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A Review of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors Indicates Thatã¢â‚¬â€¹

Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock

Source: Rommel Canlas/Shutterstock

In a recent episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, Kimmel "mansplains" the art of political speech communication to Hillary Clinton. He begins by mansplaining the concept of mansplaining:

JK: Are y'all familiar with mansplaining? You lot know what that is?

HC: That's when a man explains something to a woman in a patronizing style.

JK: Actually, information technology'southward when a homo explains something to a woman in a cavalier way. Only yous were close.

Kimmel goes on to interrupt Clinton oft, offer contradictory and sexist advice. Of course, he and Clinton were intentionally parodying the phenomena of mansplaining, simply it reminded me of a conversation I'd actually had the twenty-four hour period before:

Man: How practise y'all calculate the area of a rectangle?

Me: Length times width.

Man: No, base times height.

In retrospect, my answer should take been that, of class, I know that—I've taken several advanced calculus courses and I teach statistics—and who is he to quiz my bones geometry knowledge, anyway?

Taken together, the Kimmel-Clinton skit and my own feel piqued my interest in mansplaining more generally. The term has merely been effectually since 2008 (Rothman, 2012) but it has attracted a great deal of pop attention, making the long list as a contender for Oxford'southward give-and-take of the year (Steinmetz, 2014) and the short list in the American Dialect Society'south "Most Creative" category (Zimmer, 2013).

According to the Oxford English language Dictionary editors, mansplaining is "to explain something to someone, typically a human being to woman, in a way regarded as condescending or patronizing" (Steinmetz, 2014). The American Dialect Society defines it equally "when a human being condescendingly explains something to female listeners" (Zimmer, 2013). Lily Rothman, in her "Cultural History of Mansplaining," elaborates it as "explaining without regard to the fact that the explainee knows more than the explainer, often done by a man to a woman."

Mansplaining as a portmanteau may be new, merely the behavior has been effectually for centuries (Rothman, 2012). The scholarly literature has long documented gendered power differences in exact interaction: Men are more likely to interrupt, particularly in an intrusive manner (Anderson and Leaper, 1998). Compared to men, women are more likely to be interrupted, both by men and by other women (Hancock and Rubin, 2015). Perchance, in function, because they are accepted to information technology, women also respond more amenably to interruption than men do, being more likely to grinning, nod, agree, express joy, or otherwise facilitate the conversation (Farley, 2010).

Interruptions thing. They are linked to social ability—in dyadic interactions, the more powerful partner is more probable to interrupt (Kollock et al., 1985). Unfortunately, researchers take tended to focus on easily quantifiable aspects of speech, rather than the content of speech. More research is needed to define the extent to which the condescension mansplaining posits is indeed mutual and gendered (directed disproportionately past men toward women).

Mansplaining is problematic because the behavior itself reinforces gender inequality. When a homo explains something to a woman in a patronizing or condescending way, he reinforces gender stereotypes about women's presumed lesser knowledge and intellectual ability.

This is especially true when the adult female is, in fact, more knowledgeable on the bailiwick. This aspect of mansplaining was primal to the Kimmel-Clinton parody—clearly, Clinton has the greater expertise giving political speeches.

It is also evident in Rebecca Solnit's tale of a man trying to explain her ain volume to her, despite not having read it himself. It was her essay, "Men Explain Things to Me," and the subsequent volume that many credit for sparking the dialogue that ultimately generated the term mansplaining. (To my knowledge, Solnit herself did not use the word.) Having had numerous men explain gender to me—both in a general sense and as relates to my own inquiry—I can empathise with Solnit.

Just mansplaining is as well problematic in the gender-stereotypic assumptions it makes about men (see Cookman, 2015). Misandry doesn't promote equality, nor does it undermine misogyny. Yes, mansplaining is sexist and impolite, but the term isn't off-white to the many men who support gender equality (and don't mansplain). Moreover, men don't have a monopoly on airs or condescension—women are quite capable of both.

Mansplaining has caught the pop imagination because it provides a characterization for a mutual and offensive social reality: Women are frequently assumed to exist ignorant and unintelligent, at least compared to men. Having a label for something is useful in that it makes information technology more visible, potentially working to erode both the behavior and the sexist assumptions that drive it. But it risks becoming a ways of trivializing mansplaining as not worthy of real outrage and of degrading men generally (Cookman, 2015).

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